Saturday, November 12, 2011


My psychology changes after I have interviewed for a job I really want.  I can't be the only one who experiences this, but a brief google search came up with no results.  The closest article I could find was this gem about that little twinge of disappointment you feel when your phone rings and its someone from your real life, and not the job offer of your dreams. 

The reason this topic is so pertinent for me right now is because I'm in the middle of the job search waiting game.  Last month I interviewed for a position at a really great company.  I knew it would take this long to hear back from them because at the time of the interview they didn't have the OK from the higher-ups for the new position. Update- I was just asked for a second interview.  Yay!!!!!  Oh, but that means more waiting.  

I'm calling this change in my behavior I-really-want-this-job-itis.  The symptoms are as follows:

Procrastination- I know I'm perfect for the job.  I love the company.  The people who work there all seem really great.  How can they not hire me?  I seem to get frozen by this concept that I may have a job very soon, and it prevents me from making decisions about things.  What if I say yes to doing this one thing and then I have a  job and then finishing this one thing interferes with work.  So I don't say yes and I don't say no and I just wait. 

Decreased interest in other jobs- My job search routine slows WAY down when I've got I-really-want-this-job-itis.  Other jobs just can't compare to this one that I really want.  Friends have asked if I was applying for holiday sales associate positions.  I agree that that's a good idea- but I haven't done it because I would really rather be an assistant patternmaker.  This is the worst symptom of I-really-want-this-job-itis because when I don't get the dream job I don't have anything else in the line-up, and it takes a long while to build that momentum up again. 

Phone call anxiety- Did I just hear my phone ring?  Oh, it's that guy's phone six blocks away.  Oh, wait, is that my phone?  Nope- that was a car driving by.  Is that my phone now?  Nope- just the dog barking.  That must be my phone!  Oh, it's just a text message.  How about now, that sounds like my phone ring.  It is!!!  Oh, it's just my husband. 

E-mail anxiety- I only check my email somewhere around constantly.

The only known cure for I-really-want-this-job-itis is an answer.  "No" means some tears will be shed and I start panicking about my future.  "Yes" means a nice bottle of celebration wine.  I've got the chiller ready.

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